Research and Information Systems (RIS) for developing countries is a New Delhi based autonomous policy research institute specialized in issues related to international economic development, trade, investment and technology. Affiliated to the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, RIS promotes South-South Cooperation and collaborates with developing countries in multilateral negotiations in various forms.
Established at RIS, Global Development Centre (GDC) is a unique platform which aims to contribute to the evolving alternative development paradigm. It is promoting development programmes/flagship missions advocated by India & other developing countries for their possible replication/adoption among its peer countries in the Global South. It aims to facilitate exchange of experiences and best practices among developing countries. GDC plans to create a global database of good practices and offers a platform for all developing countries to showcase their innovation and success stories.
GDC strives to promote these endeavours by engaging partner institutions like government agencies, think-tanks and civil society organisations. This will leverage the development of an ecosystem to study the role and linkage of private and public sectors in India and the rest of the world. Through this partnership, the core competence and specific sectoral strengths will be mutually identified and promoted for possible adoption of successful transformative development initiatives.